A Mother’s Feast: May 2015

Welcome to another month of Feasting.  I have been both blessed and challenged by what has been shared in the month of April. Thank you to everyone who linked-up with their own thoughts on motherly feasting.

Mother's Feast Option 3

Have you visited April’s collection of links yet? Here’s a few highlights you won’t want to miss.  (Well, you shouldn’t miss any of them.  But I don’t have time or space to highlight them all)

Laura at Windy Hill Homeschool shared her thoughts on an influential book, Elizabeth Prentiss’ Stepping Heavenward.

Remember the saying “great minds think alike?”  Well, this month Mandie from Teaching Future Dragon Slayers and Anna from Mahers Hill Academy each brought our attention to the importance of learning things that don’t come easily.  Carol at journey-and-destination seemed to continue this thread of thought with her post on Uniting Scientific and Literary Cultures.

Kati from Purposeful Abnegation shares with us her plans and schedules for a Pre-Mother Education Course, and River from Beautiful Chaos discusses how her personal Feasting has been working out in the flow of daily living.

Don’t forget that you can join us on Instagram using the hashtag #amothersfeast 

This month, I have at last ventured into the world of Tolkien and am listening to The Hobbit as my current audio book. I’m still allowing myself to be quietly filled with wonder, but when I read the following passage in Elisabeth Elliot’s Loneliness, I found myself particularly struck by it.

The heroes of the world’s great legends let themselves in for all kinds of fearsome troubles because of the promise of a great reward – the favor of the king, a pot of gold, marriage to a princess. Because there was a shining goal they entered in with heart and will to participate in the as yet unseen and unknown hazards of the dreadful journey. Their heroism lay in acceptance – a wholehearted acceptance of conditions other men would avoid at all cost – and in endurance. The dark caves, tunnels and labyrinths were not problems to be solved but hazards to be traversed, the storms and heavy seas were to be braved, the giants and monsters to be slain. All were accepted and endured in view of the prize.

It reminded me once again of the value of reading literature, of spending precious time in the world of heroes and villains, saints and sinners, trolls and goblins.  To be reminded of the hazards, and the worthwhile prize.

One thought on “A Mother’s Feast: May 2015

  1. I’m trying to link up but it seems like the linky thing isn’t doing right. It will show the URL I enter and then next to it is my name with post title instead of just showing my name and post title and being able to click on it…which is what I see with the entries in the last link-up. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?


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